New Jersey Marthon training update: week 7

#marathon training  #new jersey marathon  #running  #training 

Tank top and shorts! Also, lots of crap on my knees.

Week seven of training was a complete wash. It was planned to be a step-back week to 42 miles, but I stepped it all the way down to just 23 miles. My knee is still a mess and three straight rest days to start the week didn’t seem to make a difference.

The one positive thing about this week, though, was the weather! I wore shorts on most of my runs and, yesterday, I even got to break out a tank top! It was glorious!

I really don’t know what I’m going to do about training right now. I’m not quite ready to give up on my goal, but I may need to start re-evaluating what’s realistic and what’s smart. This week will likely have to be the decider.

Besides running, this past weekend, I got my first tattoo! A post about that is coming tomorrow, but this served as a nice little distraction from the misery that was running.