Amelia teaches Trans 101: How to refer to a trans person's past

image source: wikiHow This is something that seems to come up from time to time so I think it’s an important thing to talk about. What’s the best way to talk about a trans person’s past? For example, if you’re telling a story about someone, how should your refer to them? Should you use their chosen name and the pronouns they’ve asked you to use or should you stick with what they went by at the time? [Read More]

Orphan Black introduced a transgender clone [SPOILERS]

I don’t typically like to blog twice in one day, but I gotta talk about this and I don’t want to send off a thousand tweets. So, this past weekend’s episode of Orphan Black, which is possibly my favorite show right now, introduced a transgender character. If you’re not familiar with Orphan Black, the show revolves around a bunch of clones, all played by Tatiana Maslany. [Read More]

My next marathon will be...

The Erie Marathon on September 14th! I had mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was looking at this marathon and I just found out over the weekend that I got in via the wait list! I’m really pumped that I got into this race! It’s a lot closer than the other options I was looking at, it’s cheaper, and it gives me three extra weeks of training that Santa Rosa (my second choice) wasn’t going to give me. [Read More]

I run because...

I had a feministy, trans-positive post about selfies planned for today, but, seeing as how it’s NATIONAL RUNNING DAY, I’m going to postpone that until tomorrow. Instead, let’s talk about why I run and what I love about running, shall we? Just a quick list… The community is amazing. This is going to get an entire post soon, but the running community is simply the best and it’s provided me with some pretty awesome new friends. [Read More]

My life is totally not what I expected it to be and I'm really happy about that

The color version of this photo is literally my favorite photo of me *ever* I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how we change and grow. Sometimes, our lives turn out so far from where we thought they would, it’s hard to believe we’re physically the same person we used to be—well, okay, I’m not quite even physically the same person anymore, but you know what I mean. [Read More]

The Power of Pronouns

On Tuesday, I wrote about feeling great and being very happy with where I am with transition related stuff. It was just one of those days where I felt awesome and beautiful. Every time I looked in the mirror, I loved what I saw so much. My confidence was through the roof. Unfortunately, like pretty much everyone else, we have ups and downs with our self-confidence and sometimes things happen that can shake that confidence. [Read More]

Early summer progressions

Owl earrings! Though I’ve considered the physical part of my transition over for a little while now, transition isn’t something you go through for a little while and then just ends. At least not for me. I still have plenty of issues and plenty of things that bother me about myself, but, for the most part, I can look in the mirror and be pretty damn happy about how far I’ve come. [Read More]