New Jersey Marathon training update: week 11

Oh, you know, just jumping around a bit before my run! All I have to say about last week’s training is that it was EPIC! Literally my best week of training ever! EVER! I broke my weekly distance record by four miles with 57 on the week! And I nailed my first 20-miler this cycle. I started off the week with an easy five-mile recovery run, but by Tuesday, I was ready to put in the work and push myself. [Read More]

Miles for Music 20k - 1:34:34

Just having fun at the 15k mark! Prior to the Miles for Music 20k in Highland Park, NJ, I’d never run a 20k before. It always seemed like a weird distance to me. I’d much rather just run an extra .7 miles for a half marathon, but I had a lot of fun at this race! This wasn’t a planned race. Instead, it was a last minute decision I made on a whim the day before after my wife casually mentioned that I may not be able to do my twenty-miler in the park as planned because of the race. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: week 10 and Shamrock Marathon weekend

Last week was supposed to be the week I got back to running six days a week and got myself fully on schedule again after my knee issues. Unfortunately, my knee still didn’t feel up to it on Monday so I ended up with just five days of running instead. On Tuesday, I threw 5x1’ fartleks into my eight mile run for my first bit of speed work in a while. [Read More]

Amelia or Amy, but preferably Amelia

. One of the things I liked was I could go by Amy for short, if I wanted. When I came out to people I’d always say “Amelia, or Amy for short.” Some people would ask me if I preferred one or the other—actually, most of my coworkers asked me this. I appreciated it because it seemed like they cared about me enough to make sure they called me what I wanted. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: week 9 (and other things)

WHAT A WEEK! Holy crap, last week was busy as hell! Monday I started off with a rest day on Monday. I had five miles on the schedule, but I wanted to give my knee an extra rest day after 29 miles across the previous three days. The plan was to get back to my training plan on Tuesday, but without the speed work, which I would start back up with again this week. [Read More]

New Jersey Marathon training update: Week 8

I took my seventh pair of New Balance 1600s out for their first run this week. Can you tell I like these shoes? I think I might be turning this thing around! I started the week off really down about training. I was still in pain and close to writing it all off and changing my plans. Still, I kept with what I had been doing to recover and brought my mileage up a little while still staying under what was scheduled. [Read More]

Amelia teaches Trans 101: "sex change," "pre-op," and is being transgender only a temporary status?

Welcome to Amelia’s Trans 101 class! Here, I will be going over some simple transgender related items to help teach a basic understanding of what being transgender really means. This is a free class and it is open to all! Grades will be a simple pass/fail! For this week’s lesson, I would like to address a question a friend of mine asked me the other day. I think this question and its wording really opens up to a lot of misconceptions and outdated information and views. [Read More]