Mirror, Mirror

Still gotta work on that smile For 30 years, I’d look in the mirror many times every day, but I never saw a real person staring back at me. I’d see this thing that I’m pretty sure was supposed to be a person. I mean he looked liked a person and all that, there were eyes and a nose and a mouth and arms and legs, but I had no connection to him. [Read More]

How I chose the name Amelia

This post is by request, but it’s a question I’ve answered a lot and also something I often find myself sharing with trans women who are still searching for their name. And since at some point today, I will _legally_ become Amelia June, I thought today would be the perfect day for it! Most people are given a name at birth and that’s kind of the end of that story. [Read More]

In regards to PJI's transphobic video attacking a minor

Does anyone know who I need to credit for this? I've seen it around the internet a lot, but I can't find the creator. Today was supposed to be a day off from blogging, but I’m kind of steaming over here about this and there’s just too much for a Twitter rant. I’m going to avoid going into detail about the background to this story, but if you want to read up on it, you can check here or head over to Transadvocate and read the amazing work Cristan Williams is doing on this (she’s just been…wow). [Read More]

How I prepare for race day in the weeks leading up to a marathon

Marathon training might as well be a full time job. It takes over your whole life and sucks all your time. Even when you’re not running, it can dictate so many other things in your life: what you eat, how many hours your sleep, how much you drink, etc. Most marathon training plans are somewhere 16-18 weeks, but we all know it’s really much longer than that, you don’t start from nothing. [Read More]

The best thing about transition

Trigger warning for talking about suicide! When I finally accepted transitioning as a something I needed and wanted, I had a lot of ideas regarding how my life would change and what it would do for me. Many of them have either turned out to be reality or will at some point in the near future. However, some have kind of faded away as things I actually don’t want or care about anymore. [Read More]

Me 2.0 is live today! The lie is dead!

First day outfit! Rocking the Oiselle! Today’s the day! Me 2.0 is officially live!! I came in to work as Amelia for the first time ever and I’ll never living the lie again. From now on, I am one singular person with one identity. I spent last night handing out candy to trick-or-treaters in guy mode after work which I thought was sort of fitting. [Read More]

Using the gym while trans

A story broke yesterday of a transgender woman being banned from using the women’s locker room at an LA Fitness in California after the gym learned she was transgender. While this is clear discrimination, it’s unfortunately not at all surprising to me. I’m sure the gym has absolutely no issue with treating trans women exactly the same as all their other clients when it comes to monthly fees, but when it comes to actually providing the same services and facilities, they just can’t seem to see us the same way. [Read More]