Almost legally Amelia

See that photo below? That’s the newspaper announcement that’s required to change your name in New Jersey. It’s being published tomorrow (October 16, 2013)! My court date is on November 8th and then that’ll be it, I’ll legally be Amelia June! So excited to finally leave my birth name behind!


As we grow

I don’t typically spend a whole lot of time being nostalgic. Every so often, it’s fun to reminisce about the past and such, but I mostly try to live in the present while glancing to the future. My past is full all kinds of ups and downs and, for the most part, I think it’s best to keep it all in the past. Usually. Last night was a somewhat rare departure from this, I spent much of the night with a friend of mine taking a trip down memory lane. [Read More]

Taming that marathon hunger

When you’re training for a marathon, you will want to eat all the things…all the time. With less than six weeks until the Richmond Marathon, my training is nearing its peak. I’m currently running six days a week and hitting 48 miles per week. In a couple more weeks, I’m scheduled to peak at 53 miles (two weeks of this in a row) which will be more than I’ve ever run in a week. [Read More]

T-minus 31 days until Me 2.0 goes live!

Today is October 1 which means the beta period is almost over and I am exactly one month away from going live with Me 2.0! Yes, I’m calling it “going live” instead of “full time.” It’s more fun this way and “full time” makes it sound like it’s a job. And while I’m on the topic my own personal nomenclature I use for transition, I often like to say things like “regeneration” (yes, like The Doctor) instead of “transition” and “running estrogen on unlicensed hardware. [Read More]

Sean Hanna Foundation 6th Annual 5k - 22:51

3rd place in my age group! This is one of my favorite races. It doesn’t seem like anything special, just another small community 5k, but it’s a lot of fun and it’s for a great cause. The Sean Hanna Foundation was created by the family of a friend of mine who passed away from cancer in 2007. Sean was one of the best people I know, always giving, caring about others, and making people smile. [Read More]

Running six days in a row

Tonight’s four mile run will mark the sixth straight day I’ve run. This will be a first for me! Actually, as far as I can think, last night’s run was the first time I’ve ever even run five days in a row. Generally, I keep to running five days a week and usually not more than three in a row. Sometimes, my schedule will force me to run four days in a row, but I try to minimize that. [Read More]

Yes, I still have a sense of humor

I’m pretty sure the only reason why anyone was friends with me throughout most of my life was my sense of humor. I never really took much seriously and, I think, that made me a fun person to be around. Somehow, despite not taking anything seriously, I’ve always had my “life together,” as they say, but I’m also 100% certain I spent a lot of time simply being a jerk because I thought everyone else was laughing too. [Read More]