2013 Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge - Half Marathon - 1:58:00 (pre-HRT)

With _only_ two theme parks and just thirteen point one miles, the half marathon is the easy part of the Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge, but being that it’s the first race of the two, it can really make or break your weekend. The key to getting through the Goofy Challenge in one piece is to take this race easy. After getting down to Orlando and picking up our race packets, we kept Friday simple. [Read More]

I am not, nor have I ever been, a cross-dresser

Inconsistent 08 - Cross-dressing by ~PatchworkDollDotCom I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I don’t remember exactly when I started wearing women’s clothing, I think it was sometime around fifth grade. It was always this weird mix of feelings for me. I usually felt out of place in the clothes. Not because the _clothes_ were wrong, but because my _body_ was wrong. [Read More]

2012 Giralda Farms 10k – 43:14

After four and a half years of running, five half marathons, and three marathons, it’s a little odd that I’d never run a 10k, but somehow, I hadn’t. So I guess it was finally time to do one. My wife and I decided on the Giralda Farms 10k in Madison, NJ. At only $18, it’s a steal! I figured, with the race being so cheap, it would be a rather small and poorly organized affair. [Read More]

2012 Beerfest 5k – 22:55 (pre-HRT)

Okay, so this race happened a week ago, but I forgot to post about it, so here goes! The Beerfest 5k in Rahway is a fun little event that my wife and I took part in for the first time this year. There are race bibs and a race clock, but no official results or timing chips. It’s really just for fun. And at the end, there’s all the beer you want! [Read More]

2012 Bank of America Chicago Marathon - 3:08:53 (pre-HRT)

Note: This race recap, like all of my other pre-transition race recaps, was copied over from my previous blog. I discuss attempting to quality for the Boston Marathon in this recap. At the time of writing the below, I had not yet started hormones and, under the current rules, was required to qualify under the male qualification time. I had planned to start hormones the day after the race, which made the race very special and an extra big deal to me. [Read More]

Downtown Westfield 5k & Pizza Extravaganza – 20:31 (pre-HRT)

Ah, yes, the Downtown Westfield 5k pizza run. This was year number four running this race. Historically, it’s a slow race for me. It’s always a Wednesday after a full day of work and has a bad habit of falling on one of the hottest days of the year. It’s a recipe for disappointment every time. I’m rarely happy with my time. This year, the weather was surprisingly nice, possibly the coolest year I’ve run it. [Read More]

Cranford Jaycees Firecracker 4 Miler 2012 – 26:18 (pre-HRT)

Nailed this race this year! It was my fourth year running it and I crushed my previous best time by over five minutes! It’s generally a slow race for me because it’s on the 4th of July and typically falls outside of any real race training, but today, I was on and felt great. I kept a 6:35 min/mile pace which is better than my best 5k pace! I came in 4th in my age group and 52nd overall, but even better, my wife and I won the husband and wife group! [Read More]